Cyber Law

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Cyber Law

Cyber crime is an area of growing legal complexity. Al Awadi Law Firm in BahrainOur team of cyber crime lawyers in Bahrain have vast experience of the law in this area and defending those accused of cyber crime, as well as those affected by it.


Cyber Crime is any criminal activity carried out using computers and/or the internet and covers much more than many realise. In essence, it falls into two broad categories:

  1. Offences where a computer is the object of the activity. These include such activity as hacking, phishing, spamming, deployment of viruses and denial of service attacks.
  2. Offences where a computer is the tool by which the activity is carried out. Many substantive offences are unrelated to computers or the internet but technology is being used in their commission. Obvious examples include fraud, possession / dissemination of indecent images of children, identity theft, illegal downloads, cyber stalking, and hate crimes.

In many cyber crime cases, there is a grey area between freedom of expression and abusive communications.  In others, most notably hacking cases, there are legitimate differences in opinion as to what constitutes unlawful activity. The technical nature of some of these offences may mean that private individuals and companies may be unwittingly caught up in an investigation without realising that their actions have given rise to potential criminal liability.

Our dedicated team has the technical, legal and tactical experience to advise you at every stage of your case.  Whether you are facing a criminal investigation or prosecution or have found yourself the target of such activity and need to take control of the situation, we can help.

Specialist Cyber Crime legal expertise

Our cyber crime lawyers can advise on:

  • Cyber stalking, harassment and malicious communications
  • Cyber fraud and theft offences